
Phoenician International Limited Prospectus Download

Phoenician International Limited (ARBN 659 284 152) (“the Company”) lodged a replacement prospectus (“the Prospectus”) for an offer of shares to raise AU$5 million (before costs) with the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (“ASIC”) on 12 August 2022. An electronic copy of the Prospectus can be obtained in PDF format by clicking on the link after confirming agreement to the following.

An online application process provided by the Share Registry of the Company is set out in the Prospectus.


This is important information that should be read in its entirety. If you do not understand it, you should consult your professional adviser without delay. The expiry date of the Prospectus is the date that is 13 months from the date of lodgement of the Prospectus.

The electronic Prospectus accessible through this website has been lodged with ASIC.

Applications for securities referred to in the Prospectus must be made in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Prospectus. Applications for securities must be made on an application form that accompanied a complete hard copy of the Prospectus or the complete unaltered electronic version of the Prospectus.

In those circumstances, any application received may need to be dealt with in accordance with section 724 of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth).

The Prospectus does not constitute an offer in any place in which, or to any person to whom, it will not be lawful to make such an offer. No action has been taken to lodge, register or file the Prospectus in any jurisdiction outside Australia. The distribution of this Prospectus outside Australia may be restricted by law and persons who come into possession of this Prospectus outside Australia should seek advice on and observe any such restrictions. The investment described in this Prospectus has not been recommended by any regulatory authority of any jurisdiction, including ASIC.

The Prospectus which can be obtained from this website by Australian residents may also be available to investors in certain countries who satisfy specific requirements by prior arrangement with the Company or other appropriately authorised and licensed broker or financial advisor. The Prospectus is not being made generally available in those or any other countries outside Australia. The Prospectus will be sent to you directly and is not required to be obtained from this website. If you require a further copy of the Prospectus, please email the Company or the broker or financial advisor directly. If you are not resident of Australia or accessing this website from within Australia, you represent and warrant that you are only accessing a copy of the prospectus for information purposes, and not for the purposes of investment or deciding whether to acquire shares or other securities.

The information on this website is provided for information purposes only and is subject to change without notice. Nothing contained on this website or in the Prospectus constitutes investment, legal, account, business, tax or other advice, nor is it to be relied on in making an investment in the Company. The information on this website and in the Prospectus does not take into account your investment objectives, financial situation or particular needs.

Persons who receive a copy of this Prospectus in electronic format are entitled to obtain a hard copy of the Prospectus free of charge during the offer period by email to administration@phoeniciangroup.com

By accessing the Prospectus, you are taken to have confirmed that you have read and understood the important information and agree to these terms.

2022-08-12 更新招股书


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